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Deploying Sites with Drush – DrupalCon Amsterdam


With a fully packed room I had the opportunity to talk about Drush Deploy to the very interested crowd at DrupalCon Amsterdam. Thank you so much for attending my Session!

In my session i covered how we use Drush Deploy at Amazee Labs and what pieces of the puzzle need to put together. I also talked about limitations and future possibilities it brings to the table.

Please find the Slides here :


If you find some time please rate my session to provide feedback. I’d really appreciate it!

If you have further questions: Feel free to talk to me during the Conference. I’ll be near the Amazee Labs Booth or you can find me at the DevOps Track listening to the other interesting Talks.

2014-09-30 14.04.59

2 responses to “Deploying Sites with Drush – DrupalCon Amsterdam”

    • Danke dir 🙂 Jup fast alles auf meinem Mist gewachsen nach der leicht gepimpten Vorlage die wir bei Amazee Labs regelmässig verwenden 🙂