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Angelesen #10

Gestern sollte es einfach nicht sein. Ich war noch ein bisschen unterwegs und fand danach kein Kaffee (in der ‘Stadt’ Köniz macht alles gegen 17:00 Uhr zu) um kurz mal die Artikel zusammen zu nehmen. Dann machen wir das am Sonntag:

Wie Island die Krise überwand: Fünfmal schlimmer als die Griechen

Donnerstag vorletzter Woche fällte Islands oberster Gerichtshof ein historisches Urteil. Vier Bankmanager wurden zu Haftstrafen zwischen vier und fünfeinhalb Jahren wegen betrügerischer Marktmanipulationen und Untreue verurteilt.

Island geht seinen ganz eigenen Weg aus der Krise.

via Lukas

Apple Is Now More Than Double the Size of Exxon—And Everyone Else

As the iPhone-maker’s shares continue to set fresh record highs, its market cap is now above $765 billion. Combined with Exxon Mobil Corp.’sXOM -0.12% pullback over the past six months, Apple has pulled off the rare occurrence of being worth at least double any other publicly traded U.S. company. No. 2 Exxon’s market cap has eased to $374 billion.

Immense Zahlen die Apple da liefert.

Die Welt in Zahlen

Benzin, das der Paketdienst UPS zwischen 2004 und 2012 gespart hat, weil bei der Routenberechnung das Linksabbiegen vermieden wurde, in Millionen Litern 

Und weitere interessante Zahlen im neuen brand eins

Everything About the Edward Snowden / ‘Citizenfour’ Lawsuit Is Batshit Crazy

​The lawsuit, filed in December on behalf of the entire population of the United States, has been ​pretty well covered elsewhere, but some new developments, not least of which is Citizenfour’s Oscar win, ​have made it noteworthy again. The general premise of the suit is that the film contains classified information, so it should be removed from release and re-edited in order to preserve national security.
February 23, 2015: Citizenfour is screened on HBO.
The case is still underway.


Avicii And Other Djs Caught Using Pirated Software To Make Their Millions

Video footage released online reveals that some of the biggest names in electronic music are using illegal copies of music making software such as the popular synthesizer plugin Sylenth1.

Ich frage mich wie viele der “Big Kids” heute ihre Lizenzen für Musikprogramme überhaupt kaufen sobald sie ein bisschen Geld machen.

8TB hard drives have arrived

Hui! 8TB in einer einzigen Harddisk!

BASH – Fix The Display and Console Gibberish on a Linux / Unix / OS X / BSD Systems

Sometime my R & D result into weird output on screen. For example, accidentally I run cat command over binary file – cat /sbin/*. You will be not able to access your bash/ksh/zsh based terminal. It will be full of wired character sequences that can lock down your display. These characters will hide what you type or character displayed into strange symbols.

Kappute Shells mit reset und stty sane reparieren. Mal wieder was gelernt!

Turntables — U-Turn Audio

Schönes und schlichtes Turntable. Andrew hat sich so einen gekauft (und dazu noch einige Schallplatten).

Slack Is Turning the Business Messaging Space on Its Head

It’s a pretty impressive number for a company that’s been publicly available for a single year. These numbers are more impressive when you learn that Slack is currently a team of 103 people and the company has facilitated 300 million messages in that time.

via Michael

Meet The 32-Year-Old, Yoga-Loving, Punk Rock, Tree Hugger CEO Of A $100 Million Trucking Company

At one point, Welby describes the trucking industry as, “convoluted and overcomplicated.” She says, “Nature doesn’t work like that. It’s the appropriate amount of energy in the right direction that makes things efficient.”

Der Titel ist ein bisschen überspitzt 😉

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