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Are you visualizing your Logfiles? – DrupalDevDays Montpellier


At the Drupal Dev Days Montpellier I got the oportunity to speak in the DevOps Track and talk a about the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana). It’s impressive to see what (formerly ElasticSearch) progresses into their products with every release.

If you are interested in the slides feel free to download them here (PDF) or enjoy them on Speakerdeck.

A special thank you goes out to the organizer team of the DrupalDevDays team in Montpellier for having me on stage and organizing such a nice event!


Here are some of the resources I personally find most useful for starting with ELK Stack:
Logstash Book
Elasticsearch the Definitive Guide
Grok Debugger

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