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Angelesen #46 – Crypto, Security, Billag and Longreads

Hi Friend,

da wären wir wieder mal. Ich weiss Beharrlichkeit ist nicht gerade, was mich hier auszeichnet, jedoch haben mir in den letzten Wochen einige Leute gesagt, dass sie diese Blogposts gerne lesen.

Da die letzten Tage ein wenig ruhiger waren, hab ich mal wieder ein paar Links zusammengesammelt. Zwischen Bitcoin, Security und einigen guten Longreads findet sich hier einiges.

Ich bin gerade unterwegs an den 34C3 nach Leipzig – Die Reise ins quasi Paralleluniversum.

Thanks for reading and so long

CongressChecklist/ (

😀 Fantastic checklist for going to any congress!

I Was Wrong About Bitcoin. Here’s Why. (

I assumed that Wall Street would stay away.

I hoped, but was proven otherwise.

Why an eight-hour bus ride from Los Angeles to San Francisco might beat a flight (

Cabin is an interesting experiment; an attempt to compete with airlines by promising a better night’s sleep. Flying between the two cities may take less than an hour and a half. But getting to the airport, shuffling through the security queue, waiting at the gate, picking up your bag upon arrival, and getting from the airport to your actual destination can nearly quadruple the total travel time. That means a trip can eat up most of the day. Or if you want to travel at night, you have about an hour to sleep, between several hours of hassle and tedium.

That’s among the reasons, why I prefer the night train to wherever place possible in europe 🙂

Netflix: What Happens When You Press Play? (

Netflix Longread!

Wetten, dass Tamedia und Goldbach zusammengehen? (

Lesenswerter Artikel zur NoBillag Abstimmung – #0

The 50 Best Podcasts of 2017 (

Podcasts are awesome. I discovered 99% invisible and the Outside Podcast 🙂

Remove my password from lists so hackers won’t be able to hack me (


bloomberg/powerfulseal: A powerful testing tool for Kubernetes clusters. (

PowerfulSeal adds chaos to your Kubernetes clusters, so that you can detect problems in your systems as early as possible. It kills targeted pods and takes VMs up and down.

Edward Snowden’s New App Uses Your Smartphone to Physically Guard Your Laptop (

Here’s how Haven might work: You lock your laptop in a hotel safe — not a secure move on its own — and place your Haven phone on top of it. If someone opens the safe while you’re away, the phone’s light meter might detect a change in lighting, its microphone might hear the safe open (and even the attacker speak), its accelerometer might detect motion if the attacker moves the laptop, and its camera might even capture a snapshot of the attacker’s face. The Haven app will log all of this evidence locally on the Android device.

It’s still in early beta state but I like what it does so far.

OSX.Pirrit Mac Adware Part III: The DaVinci Code (

More OSX Adware!

The full-stack employee (

Work and where it could be heading in the light of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR)

Now I Have To Blog About It (

Bitcoin : Düstere Aussichten

Learning to operate Kubernetes reliably (

We recently built a distributed cron job scheduling system on top of Kubernetes, an exciting new platform for container orchestration. Kubernetes is very popular right now and makes a lot of exciting promises: one of the most exciting is that engineers don’t need to know or care what machines their applications run on.

Distributed systems are really hard, and managing services on distributed systems is one of the hardest problems operations teams face. Breaking in new software in production and learning how to operate it reliably is something we take very seriously. As an example of why learning to operate Kubernetes is important (and why it’s hard!), here’s a fantastic postmortem of a one-hour outage caused by a bug in Kubernetes.

Fantastic Distributed Computing read.

Google Maps’s Moat (

Despite the fact that you should use OpenStreetMaps. An article about the crazy details Google Maps is having.

Es wäre dumm, die SRG zu zertrümmern (

NoBillag read #1

No more 
No Billag! (

Es dauert noch geschlagene drei Monate, bis das Stimmvolk die No-Billag-Initiative endlich versenken darf. Es drohen drei lange Monate zu werden. Drei Monate, während denen der SRG die Tweets nur so um die Ohren fliegen. Jede missliebige Sendung, jede holprige Äusserung eines Moderators, jedes schlechte Ergebnis eines Schweizer Skistars wird als schlagender Beweis angeführt, weshalb diese elendlichen Zwangsgebühren abgeschafft gehören.

NoBillag read #2

Internet Chemotherapy (

There will also be those who will criticize me and say that I’ve acted
irresponsibly, but that’s completely missing the point. The real point
is that if somebody like me with no previous hacking background was able
to do what I did, then somebody better than me could’ve done far worse
things to the Internet in 2017. I’m not the problem and I’m not here to
play by anyone’s contrived rules. I’m only the messenger. The sooner you
realize this the better.

A good read from an individual that singlehandedly made the internet a bit better.

Burnout at the Global Campfire (TEDx me too) (

If you are a TEDx organizer, teammmember or enganging in ANY community work – READ IT. read it again and ponder on it.

Das müssen Sie wissen, bevor Sie über No Billag reden (

RT @honegger: Well done, @tagesanzeiger: So geht Bürger-Information. Ahnung kommt vor Meinung.

NoBillag read #3

Seth’s Blog: Reading at work (

What would happen if the next all hands meeting got cancelled and instead the organization had an all hands-on read instead?

Me likes 😀 And what would you read?

Stop. Calling. Bitcoin. Decentralized. (

Only switch to Proof of Stake can, possibly, help.

Bitcoin : Good insight on the centralization of the “decentralized” currency 😉 (with pie charts!)

Meet The People Who Listen to Podcasts Crazy-Fast (

So Kenny began listening faster: first at 2x, then she worked her way up to 3x. She stopped only because “that’s just as fast as the Downcast app allows.

I’m at only 1.5 for English and 1.75-2x for german. So there’s room for more 😉 Or maybe not, not everything needs to be optimized in my life.

What every Browser knows about you (

RSS: there’s nothing better (

“Damn. If only there was some system which allowed you to follow updates to blogs and websites you care about in a manner that ensured you never missed an update, could find new updates at a glance, and didn’t have to wade through masses of noise to do so. …Hey, this would be a great idea for a startup!”

“I think you’ll find it’s already been done.”

“Really? Who by? Why didn’t you mention this earlier?”


Homeland Security team remotely hacked a Boeing 757 (

“We got the airplane on Sept. 19, 2016. Two days later, I was successful in accomplishing a remote, non-cooperative, penetration,” Hickey said in an article in Avionics Today. “[That] means I didn’t have anybody touching the airplane; I didn’t have an insider threat. I stood off using typical stuff that could get through security, and we were able to establish a presence on the systems of the aircraft.”

What could possibly go … WTF!

‘Mr. Robot’: Season 3 Single Take Episode Explained (


With one single shot, Elliot Alderson’s (Rami Malek) entire world came crashing down around him.

Fantatstic to watch!


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