With a min of max the opt!

Angelesen #78

A short one this time – The before the links rot away 😉

Urschweiz reicht nicht (

Wie in allen westlichen Demokratien schreitet die Polarisierung auch in der Schweiz voran und ist durch die Pandemie verstärkt worden. Die klassischen Gräben haben sich noch einmal vertieft: zwischen Stadt und Land (bezüglich Impf­bereitschaft), zwischen den Sprach­regionen (Betroffenheit, Aktionismus der Behörden), zwischen links und rechts (Unterstützungs­leistungen, Massnahmen­akzeptanz).

Die parteipolitische Fraktionierung nimmt weiter zu, demnächst wohl mit Folgen für die Zusammen­setzung der Schweizer Landes­regierung. Die politischen Felder, in denen sinnvolle Kompromiss­bildung kaum mehr möglich zu sein scheint, werden zahlreicher. Renten, Europa, Klima – und jetzt mit potenziell dramatischen Konsequenzen: das Impfen. Wenn der Föderalismus tatsächlich unsere beste Hoffnung ist, ist das nach heutigem Stand vermutlich keine gute Nachricht.

Wär ja was ganz neues wenn nicht alles auf Spaltung und Polarisierung rausläuft…

Lens 5 Features | Securely access shared K8s clusters (

Accessing clusters through Spaces is simpler and faster than ever before; users no longer need to browse for or cut and paste a local kubeconfig, which is the normal way to tell Lens how to connect with a new cluster. Now, with Spaces, the effect is the same: you enjoy exactly the same customizable subset of access privileges and restrictions an administrator would normally set up for you using RBAC and roles and access control, which still govern your access. Now, users can access clusters without searching for, downloading, emailing, or otherwise fiddling with kubeconfigs (or with port forwarding, tunneling, VPNs, or any of the other complications required for secure networking).

Several toolchains start to move into the RBAC and cluster access space when it’s about Kubernetes.

Agile at 20: The Failed Rebellion (

Jeffries in the article mentioned above, says, “However, the values and principles of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development still offer the best way I know to build software, and based on my long and varied experience, I’d follow those values and principles no matter what method the larger organization used.”

Is It Possible To Make IoT Devices Private? Amazon Echo Dot Does Not Wipe Personal Content After Factory Reset (

Academic research performed on 86 used Amazon Echo Dots has found that the factory reset does not truly wipe data from the devices; it can still be recovered with relatively basic forensic techniques. Echo Dots commonly contain WiFi passwords, router MAC addresses, and Amazon logins among other pieces of sensitive information.


Building a huge storage drawer for my Van! (

Oh now I would like to rebuild a few things! (and I need/want more Eurocrates 😂)

Gotenberg · A Docker-powered stateless API for converting HTML, Markdown and Office documents to PDF. (

This looks like a nice solution to replace wkhtmltopdf and athenapdf 🎉

Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule (

I find one meeting can sometimes affect a whole day. A meeting commonly blows at least half a day, by breaking up a morning or afternoon. But in addition there’s sometimes a cascading effect. If I know the afternoon is going to be broken up, I’m slightly less likely to start something ambitious in the morning. I know this may sound oversensitive, but if you’re a maker, think of your own case. Don’t your spirits rise at the thought of having an entire day free to work, with no appointments at all? Well, that means your spirits are correspondingly depressed when you don’t. And ambitious projects are by definition close to the limits of your capacity. A small decrease in morale is enough to kill them off.

Talking to Bryan lately about balancing between meeting driven schedules and creativity centric schedules (yes I account coding, taking care of infrastructure and solving problems as creative work; or at least the solutions to it). Re-Reading Paul Grahams Makers vs Managers Schedule was somewhat eye-opening.

Mitchell’s New Role at HashiCorp (

There are also personal elements to this decision. I founded HashiCorp as an engineer passionate about infrastructure tooling. But as a founder, my role at times has had to expand well beyond and away from that. That’s the price of being a founder: you do whatever is necessary of you, even if there are parts of the role that don’t particularly motivate you. And over the course of nearly a decade building HashiCorp into a multi-billion dollar company, I’ve continuously reaffirmed that I’m still an engineer at heart and I’m ready to more officially get back to focusing on that.

Awesome to see that big teams like HashiCorp can perform such changes. And happy for Mitchell to get into his new role 🎉