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Category: Allgemein

  • Homeoffice in der Schweiz

    Homeoffice ist in der Schweiz wieder stärker verbreitet. So arbeiteten im Dezember im Industriesektor 33 Prozent der Beschäftigten von zu Hause aus, im Dienstleistungssektor waren es 43 Prozent. Quelle: SRF ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Wie wir sehen, lernen wir nichts. Es waren “nur” 250 Unternehmen die befragt wurden aber die Situation ist schon ein bisschen Bedrückend wie zähflüssig…

  • rC3 recap

    rC3 recap

    Ok the Chaos Communication Congress obviously didn’t happen in person but the remote Chaos experience (rC3) nearly sparked the same feelings. At least I completely lost track of time and days after a while. The 3D-world based on Workadventure, Jitsi and near endless worlds were fun to walk trough and there were so many talks…

  • From the mailbox: GAN Chargers

    I wrote about my Travel Setup a bit back and it already changed. Thanks to my amazement and obsession over the GAN chargers (well batteries and chargers in general) and Andrew being a generous chap I now own Anker PowerPort Atom PD1 first which is a 30 Watt single port USB-C PD charger. I think…

  • On Virtual Events

    With the current situation carrying on for most likely another while and conferences not happening in person one of my main reasons for travel falls away. It is also interesting to see how a few conferences deal with the new reality. There are many variations of it but I see a few reoccurring themes: Postponed…

  • Angelesen #68

    This week I read into a few very good pieces – There was an interesting attack on twitter which can be read from both perspectives, some good blog posts about post-mortems from Slack and you might want to dust off your YAST skills as Suse just bought Rancher Labs. Plus you might want to think…