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Tag: chaos

  • Easterhegg 21

    Hach, das war ein toll organisierter Easterhegg, viel Platz für blinkende, 3d-druckende und lötende Dinge. Und ewiges Frühstück! Menschen, die ich am letzten WAMP kennenlernen durfte am EH21 zu treffen und lange Projektchen zu quatschen war sehr schön. Den Badge habe ich auch irgendwann frühmorgens zusammengelötet – SMD löten ist eine Weile her! Aber die…

  • rC3 recap

    rC3 recap

    Ok the Chaos Communication Congress obviously didn’t happen in person but the remote Chaos experience (rC3) nearly sparked the same feelings. At least I completely lost track of time and days after a while. The 3D-world based on Workadventure, Jitsi and near endless worlds were fun to walk trough and there were so many talks…

  • 36C3 Recap

    While getting back to normal life after congress is always hard. I went through all the recordings and pulled out a few very good ones I either saw live or in days after. There were so many talks in parallel it was very hard to choose. All of this is also available in multiple languages…