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Category: Technisches

  • The show must go on!

    3-2-1 LIVE! Ich schau dann mal das die Server laufen 😉

  • Was ich euch vorenthielt…

    …manchmal arbeite ich auch auf einer Baustelle – als Kameramann 😉 Weitere Behind the Scenes Bilder gibts auf Facebook. Und das Video das wir (Pilot: Michael, Kamera: Boris und meine Wenigkeit) mit dem Schnitzelcopter erflogen haben: Post by Grün Stadt Zürich.

  • Deploying Sites with Drush – DrupalCon Amsterdam

    With a fully packed room I had the opportunity to talk about Drush Deploy to the very interested crowd at DrupalCon Amsterdam. Thank you so much for attending my Session! In my session i covered how we use Drush Deploy at Amazee Labs and what pieces of the puzzle need to put together. I also…

  • RFC 2606

    The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) also currently has the following second level domain names reserved which can be used as examples. RFCs sind ja sozusagen mein ganz geheimes Hobby. Heute mit RFC 2606 mal wieder was gelernt.

  • TEDxBern : 20 Days to go!

    Today is a good day! Last night we had our final full-length meeting with the whole team and discussed open points. You can feel the tension in the air when the team gathers around the location plans debating issues like running orders, material lists, and budget proposals. It’s a truly mesmerizing moment to see our…